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Mantle Clocks
JP01 - “Jacquier à Paris”Ormolu & stone figural mantle clock.
Silk suspension, outside countwheel.
1/2 hourly strike on bell.
8 day wind.

JP08 - 4 glass & brass Crystal Regulator.
Manufacturer: "Franz Hermle & Sohn,
8 day wind.
Ca 2000
Height 28cm

JP11 - Le Castel, Switzerland
Duchesse model, Louis XVI style,
Neuchãteloise hand painted and gilded bracket clock.
1/2 hourly strike on 2 bells.
8 day wind.

JP13 - Luxor, Switzerland
Brass desk clock.
Painted scene on dial.
8 day wind.

JP14 - "Urn" clock.
Marble and ormolu.
Quartz movement.

JP16 - Luxor, Switzerland
Brass alarm clock.
Painted scene on dial.
1 day wind.
Ca 1980

JP19 - French Alabaster & Ormolu miniature mantle timepiece.
Platform lever escapement.
8 day wind.
Ca 1870
Height 15cm

JP20 - Le Castel, Switzerland
Hand painted wood and brass alarm clock.
1 day wind.
Ca 1980
Height 23cm.

JP21 - Le Castel, Switzerland
Brass & marble table clock.
1/2 hourly strike on 2 bells.
Platform lever escapement.
8 day wind.

JP22 - Le Castel, Switzerland
Wood & tortoiseshell table clock.
Replaced quartz movement.

JP23 - Le Castel, Switzerland
Brass table clock.
Replaced quartz movement.

JP25 - Le Castel, Switzerland
Duchesse model, Louis XVI style,
Neuchãteloise hand painted bracket clock.
1/2 hourly strike on 2 bells.

FH04 Foissey Sauvage, France. 8 day mantle clock.

FH08 Lerolle Freres. French 8 day ormolu mantle clock.

FH12 Samuel Marti. France. Wood & ormolu mantle clock.

FH15 German 8 day mantle clock.

A0104 Exquisitely embellished porcelain mantle clock, from the 2nd half of the 19th century.
Made by Copeland for the London retailer Daniell in Wigmore Street, one of the best-known dealers in china and glass. Completely hand painted and hand gilded. Amazing condition. Contains an 8 day, 1/2 hourly striking French mechanism number 15241 signed by Vincenti - "1855 médaille d’argent (silver medal)”.
